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-Perpetual motion OF thermodynamic process-

-Perpetual motion OF thermodynamic process- ‐-------------------------------------------------------------------------- It dosen't come from nothing it comes from everything, the motion. It moves becouse everything moves.(resonantes) Whet ever you are converting you are doing so from the same proces of perpetual motion of termodynamics proces What ever is happening is a part of a perpetual motion cycle of transmutation of matter to energy and back We are taping in to a transmutation cycle ( flow of resonance ) When we say we use energy. We are taping in and converting the; potential of a ongoing folw of resonance of a transition of dense state of mater to a disolved one, and vice versa,- to a diferent flow or freguency of motion. Or converting pulse to a cycle on a wawe/partical level. Or partical/wawe to material from wawe/partical whit in a gravitational field . Intraped wawe, self interfiring frequencie, entangled wawe - ATOM. eg.(Hydrogen) Material resonantes to wave

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yes that is true, we are paying entrance to come to work

How do you define life human,now that you can create it.

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t is important to understand infinity cos everything else is going to be in side of that understanding

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