lie on a neurological level. Wrong representation of reality. Dual reality. Seperated value system. Neurology atached to an idea rather than true self. Lie It's a tumor that feeds on the fals idea and grows along neurological endorfine path. Starts justifying it self. Creates its own logic of defense. Servs its own pourpous. Avoids knowing it self cos that takes the reward away. In the end it argues its own right to egsistance. Imbodys it self. Takes authority ower the bodey. Claims supremacy.And it all started whit a white lie.
lie on a neurological level. Wrong representation of reality. Dual reality. Seperated value system. Neurology atached to an idea rather than true self. Lie It's a tumor that feeds on the fals idea and grows along neurological endorfine path. Starts justifying it self. Creates its own logic of defense. Servs its own pourpous. Avoids knowing it self cos that takes the reward away. In the end it argues its own right to egsistance. Imbodys it self. Takes authority ower the bodey. Claims supremacy.
And it all started whit a white lie.
And it all started whit a white lie.
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