Truth made flesh
Is it the idea that incarnat it self or the bodey that understands it that holds authority over our actions.
Are we a bodey that understands or are we just a surogate for an idea that transcends us. What do we submit to, an idea of an idea or a bodey that understands it.
Can an idea take controle of the bodey. Bodey from whitch it emerged. The bodey that understood it. Dose that make the idea superior to a bodey. Dose it have authority. Can an idea justify it self, its own exsistance and become self suficient entity serving its own pourpous.
Onley inhabiting a bodey as it pleases and taking control over it.
Yes it can if it has authority if you give her the authority, if you listen to it ,if you make it real if you incarnate it if you make it flesh.
Can it grow, the idea that masters you, that you submit to. It all depends on it being true.
Can you grow a lie? Well,you can surely try.
Can you grow somthing from nothing?
Some would try that to
Idea can justify it self ,it can serve its own pourpous it can claim authority ower a bodey it can become a tumor in your head it can separate you from your understanding and it can separate your understanding from the truth it can devalueate your memories and your senses it can destroy you and make you forget your self. It can convince you that you are it and not your bodey.
It can CLAIM YOUR BODEY if you alow it.
Truth made flesh
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