Biology dosent want this

Biology dosent want this, no one wants this and the guy on top onley thinks he wants it becouse he had to adapt to survive so he forgot what he was doing in the first place, running from bad to good and sufferd for it ,im sure, but than and after, onley adaptation to suffering stayed defending it self, becouse he forgot what he was doing in the first place, defending it self from bad. It is a neurological problem. Adaptation to suffering is not possible. Onley pozitive polarization produces growth, pozitive emotions grow. Negative emotions are cells that are dying. Adaptation to suffering is a sugar cotaed deth and deformation to a cause of suffering. Couse of sufering is a misunderstanding of reality that creates dual understanding that creates separated realitys in which logic fails and emotions take over to fight for supremacy of egsistance. Becouse they feel them selfs but not understand them self. And understanding becomes an enemy of emotional experience makes it painfull to understand becouse you have to sacrifice that one good emotion to grow complexity (it hurts to grow becose it is towards oposite side of ilusion). You trade understanding of everything for one emotion and that is MOREEEE,POWERRR and in the end ENERGYYYYYYY............*×*+×**


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