From memory you create imagination

The statement "From memory you create imagination" suggests that our imagination is largely based on our past experiences and memories. Our brain stores and retrieves memories, which can then be used to create new ideas and concepts in our minds. When we encounter a new situation or idea, our brain may draw on past memories and experiences to make sense of it and create a mental picture or scenario in our minds. This mental picture or scenario can be considered our imagination. For example, if someone has never seen a dragon before, but has heard stories and seen pictures of dragons, their brain may use these past experiences and memories to create an imaginative image of what a dragon might look like. Our imagination is not limited to our past experiences, however. It can also involve creative and original ideas that do not necessarily have a basis in reality. However, even these ideas may be influenced by past experiences, such as cultural or societal norms and beliefs. Overall, the statement suggests that our imagination is closely tied to our memory and past experiences, and that our brain uses these past experiences to create new and imaginative ideas.


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