
Showing posts from October, 2022

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-28T00:26:29

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-27T17:51:29

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-26T19:19:08

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-26T15:54:20

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-25T18:17:54

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-25T16:02:06

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-25T13:05:35

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-23T13:08:38

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-23T09:45:11

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-23T09:31:27

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-23T09:30:30

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-21T15:34:08

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-21T11:46:43

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-21T08:24:10

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-19T11:04:38

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-18T20:12:57

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-18T19:09:46

ljudi cista srca


limbic slaves

At the center of a argument Logic becomes human ,from the perfect patern , faith drives onwards.God becomes a man. Reson drives on faith. Perfection becoms proun to flaws as it grows becouse it is writen in a medium , dependent of everythig , when flaws are the part of the patern patern is perfect. "It is" now and always

Its perfect when you understand the flaw

Reasoning threw a objective perspective

First you fight not to go mad than you hold on to what it left behind

It is not knowlige but the intent that will lead you to the truth

paint your world

Perfection is in motion

Infinity is a model of understanding based on faith.And it spans as fare as we can perciveHow do we knowNothing to say otherwise

He is articulating his own prejudiceses

You know never will haunt you for ever. I would never

I went where the sunn sent me

Sadizam je adaptacija na "vjecnu patnju"Odnosno bjezanje od patnje Biologija ne pati ona rezonira sa ostalom biologijom na pravim frekvencijama i tad je u stanju mira.Kad kazemo da biologija pati govorimo da je u procesu adaptacije na neprirodne frekvencije.Vjecna patnja je u teoriji nemoguca jer biologija trazi balans te se prilagodjava sve dok nema vise nasto da se prilagodi odnosno nemoze vise da rezonira sa extremnim frekvencijama odnosno okolinom te onda stane ,zaustavi proces zivota, ispadne iz rezonantnog polja odnosno umre.DNA molekula se vise ne okrece.

Osudom zatvoris logiku , ne raste jer je definirana i zakljucena

Scars are victories

Our brain is constrained by our understanding Simple reflections become mazees of half understod knolige threw its half understod half memorized and porley interpreted ego driven resentment laced interpretations. That by the time you finished thinking abought it you are back at squere one. Traped in a fragile structure of egsistance floating in the abiss waiting to implode.To a infinitley small universe....From conversation one aquiers structure in principle.They have a solution and they know it but they dont know what it is becouse they dont know the problem

Nation and the goverment is not the same thing

So much damage pain and suffering for a klik in the back Klick that klalks so efortesley ComparedTo the damage that it dose

When you had free will it counts

What are you if not your phisical understanding

Purify the wants of human

Sound is relesed to be heard

First the truth and if you can in a polite maner

Art is a pice of the model of the truth

If a tought is product of everything the will is free

Excess foood energie expresed as art becouse of muscle atrophy and hyper activit urge do to exes energy burn do to exces food consumption over time. Meaning we moved the plants closer but now we have to move to burn that energie. the jing janged

and you..

If it is not of the patern it will become distructive to the paternDose it grow a patern or it self

There is a infinite number of paths from chaos to the truth

She is coming from chaos you are coming from reason

Explaining what you are doing dosen't give it pourpous

You trust what feads it

Dont become the thing you are fighting against

Virtues become sine onley by the diference in quantity

Try to be objective and have faith in your neurology

Genetics to the virtues

story of a sword

Live and reproduce its not who its how. Cell phone and the truth.Ignorance and prejudice.

If you mis it you will have to rediscover it and that requiers you to be in the need of an awnser

Neural alignment and the truth

There is many more people who can see the truth than once who unite is some lie

They eat your dopamin network cos they ate their own

Da problem nije neuroloski bio bi rijesen kronoloski

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-18T13:17:08

What math says that you can't

Truth made flesh

lie on a neurological level. Wrong representation of reality. Dual reality. Seperated value system. Neurology atached to an idea rather than true self. Lie It's a tumor that feeds on the fals idea and grows along neurological endorfine path. Starts justifying it self. Creates its own logic of defense. Servs its own pourpous. Avoids knowing it self cos that takes the reward away. In the end it argues its own right to egsistance. Imbodys it self. Takes authority ower the bodey. Claims supremacy.And it all started whit a white lie.

Do we wana keep our adaptation to sufering and as what ,is it more, dose it makes us better

Fight fear whit fire Dont do that for depresion

We are mastering the proces that made us

Relms of jurisdiction

Can you imagine a other species looking at your toughts

Destructive neurologie

bodey will Sacrifice for the nervous system

Birokracie should facilitate the proces and the process should be facilitated by beurocracyIt is for the proces that we create conditions Everything we ever wrote in a system was to make life easier What are we writing on the internet.

"Birokracie"should facilitate the proces and the process should be facilitated by beurocracy.It is for the proces that we create conditions Everything we ever wrote in a system was to make life easier What are we writing on the internet.

Human brain is " computationaly corect entity" znaci da sam jedno sa istinom te sam kompatibilan sa univerzalnom inteligencijom Zasto ,zato jer ne zivim u zabludi.Moja neurologija je jedno sa istinom.Znaci da moja neuronska slika odgovara stvarnosti Znaci da sam neuroloski otporan na lazi. Bioloski sam otporan na nebioloske ideje.

Nekad je tu bio razgovor ,sad je ostala samo imitacija razgovora , insetivizirana interakcija provodjenja nekih ideja utjerivanja istjerivanja i nadjebavanja uzajamnog i reflexnog

who is responsible listener or sayer

ako to svi hoce ......

My Objective is solution regardles of my interest

objective of evile

Checker je funkcija ne osoba

when talking and giving advice

malicious judgment in a hierarchy

Buržoa socializam

Compiuter is God of buirocraci.

You can chose your enviorment but not what it's gona do to you


in the end you'll have to

Ludilo ne postoji to je samo ideja

Ill formed question brakes the DNA

Thinking Far enough, is not a closed model of reasoning

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-18T12:06:00

Taboo language

The truth is a seed that growssss.

Life suport SYSTEM


pozitive and negative person

from in side

are you Hosting a reflex

Did ancient have a koncept of advanced civilization




when you come to this one the shit has hit it

It's not abought the topic It's abought the talk

Economy dosent asume abundance

Uvjek se podrazumjeva pravi nacin i dobar kontext

You can chose your enviorment but not what it's gona do to you

Morals are comon practices of society

ljutska rasa

planeta zemlja

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-18T00:27:17

Power is nothing whitout control.


Why dosen't it work, ego over truth

Digitalno silovanje

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2022-10-17T17:42:55

